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Nari: AI-Powered Fashion Copywriting

Craft compelling job posts in minutes. Nari transforms basic job details into compelling, tailored descriptions in minutes. Trained on thousands of successful postings, it understands your department, role and exact needs. Craft standout job posts effortlessly, every time.

Attraction Score

Nari rates your job post on a 100-point scale, analyzing multiple factors that influence candidate interest. We don't just stop at scoring - we guide you to reach and exceed the coveted 85-point threshold, putting your post in the top tier of attractiveness. Watch your score climb as you implement our AI-driven suggestions, crafting a job post that's irresistible to top talent.

Industry Jargon Optimizer

Speak the language of top talent. Automatically integrate relevant industry-specific terms to resonate with skilled professionals in your field.

Actionable Suggestions

Get specific, actionable recommendations to improve your posts and benchmark against industry best practices.

The Power of Four

Highlight how Nari evaluates job posts across four key dimensions: Relevance, Clarity, Completeness, and Attractiveness.